Thursday, January 29, 2015

Korean Won

The name of the currency in South Korea is the Korean Won. Currently 1 USD is about 1,087 Won.


Macau is a very small, semi-autonomous region of China. Macau was originally a Portuguese colony There is a lot of European influence here.

The currency in Macau is the Macanese Pataca. The current exchange rate is about 1 USD to 8 Pataca. The Pataca can only be used in Macau.

the Pataca

The Ruins of St. Paul's. This was a church built when Macau was first colonized. Now only one wall remains

A fully operational church located in the city center

Hong Kong Dollar

The Hong Kong Dollar is the currency in Hong Kong. The current exchange rate is about 1 USD to 7.5 HKD.

Chinese Yuan

The name of the currency in China is the Chinese Yuan. The current exchange rate is about 1 USD to 6 Yuan.

The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City, or more officially, the Imperial Palace, is the site where the Emperors of China ruled. The palace was built in the early 1400's and was used until the last emperor of China was overthrown in 1912.

the portrait of Chairman Mao

one of the many buildings in the complex

a dragon, a symbol of China

the detail on the roof

the Forbidden City at night

Birds Nest Stadium

The Bird's Nest Stadium was the main stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. The opening and closing ceremonies were held here. Now it has become a symbol of the city.

Hengdian World Studios

Hengdian World Studios is the largest film studio in the world. Many movies about Ancient Chinese dynasties are filmed here. One of Jet Li's famous films, Hero was filmed here. Below are pictures from various sets.

Dongyang Woodcarvings

Dongyang, China is the woodcarving capital of the country. There is a new museum that talks about the history of woodcarving and the production process. Many of the works there leave one breathless.

a battle scene

ships sailing 

a dragon

Chairman Mao carved and weaved using just bamboo

also made of bamboo, the face of a fisherman


Suzhou is a city to the west of Shanghai. It boasts many great attractions. The two most famous is the tower atop Tiger Hill and the Grand Canal which was used to transport goods on a man made waterway all the way to Beijing. Suzhou is often likened to Venice in this way.

a picture from a canal boat ride
the type of boat I rode on

another view of the canal

the tower on Tiger Hill built around the year 1000

looking up from the base of the tower. unfortunately I was not allowed to climb it


One of the products that China is most famous for is its silk. People have sought after this commodity since the days of Marco Polo when the Silk Road was first opened. 100% silk ties can be bought here for very low prices.

a full grown silk worm

a women does product control on the silk thread

the remains after the silk thread has been taken from the cocoon 

a machine used to weave and dye the silk

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Buddhist Temples

There are many different Buddhist temples scattered around the country. People burn incense as part of their worship.

a Jade Buddha sculpture

a statue in a temple

people burning incense

a decoration on the walls of a temple

more incense being burned

the largest bronze Buddha in Asia located in Hong Kong

another Buddhist statue


Shanghai is one of the world's most populated cities. There are around 25 million people living there. The city is divided into areas based on which country used to control it.

English style buildings near an area called the Bund

the famous Shanghai skyline

the Oriental Pearl TV Tower