Wednesday, February 4, 2015

North and South Korea

The Demilitarized Zone, or DMZ, is the buffer zone that exists between North and South Korea. This area has existed since the Korean War armistice was agreed upon in 1953.

everyone in the DMZ has to wear this armband

The gray building in the background belongs to North Korea. The blue buildings belong to the United Nations

the concrete slab in between the gravel and paved concrete is the the division between North and South

a US soldier accompanied me the entire time I was in the DMZ
these South Korean soldiers on guard must be a black belt in Taekwondo 

inside one of the conference building

the left side of the table is South Korea, the right side is North Korea

me standing next to a Republic of Korea soldier

fake buildings were built by North Korea in an attempt to lure South Koreans over to their side

Dorasan Station is the last stop in South Korea, but it could also be the first stop to North Korea

                                            Pyeongyang is North Korea's capital

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